AMIRA - TusikPusik



Размер груди : Большая грудь
Вес : Нормальное телосложение
Рост : Средний рост


Good Evening My Mister Special Agent! I am a Sultana. Mysterious Oriental Fairy during the night with plenty of Sufi stories.  sweet dreaming poet searching for a deep life romance and an eternal love. I was always mystified by the Shaherazad stories being totally infatuated by her Master.  looking forward to meeting my Master with the strength of a worrier and wisdom of a King! I guarantee to tell you all my night sleep stories right after the passionate kisses and consummation of our love. If you are looking for a tender but passionate oriental experience I am your best choice. Promise that our precious moments will have the most poetic sensitivity touch. Stop waiting and Text me anytime on

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